Wrapping Up Summer | Colorful Dress

This time of year is always brings back memories of grade school. The eagerness in starting the new school year was fulfilled with shopping for school supplies with my mom and brothers. Each progression in grades introduced new items to the annual shopping list – more advanced and technical items. Grabbing my first protractor made me feel like a mathematician. I was excited to calculate new equations and learn complex math skills. When I earned my first graphing calculator, I felt ready to conquer the world! My hope is that enthusiasm still resonates with kids today, and we can still make learning adventurous for curious minds.

While my school days are in the past, I do still embrace the excitement of this season. Getting a new outfit brings some of that nostalgia back. This wrap dress is a fun way to signify the end of summer with class and style. I love the ruffle edges that line the neckline and collar. Available in two prints, the other pattern integrates more navy tones for the transition to fall. Dress with sandals (wearing in caramel suede) or nude pumps to complete the look. Wear your new looks proud and with confidence!

By the way, if you are a fan of Lilly Pulitzer, be sure to check out the HUGE Lilly Pulitzer After Party Sale Guide here.

Have a wonderful start to your week!

Live your life joyfully so,


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