6 Ways To Reduce Wrinkles | Anti-Aging Tips

Wrinkles. Years of laughter and sunshine can lead to these fine lines and furrows appearing more frequently as part of the aging process. If wrinkles bother you, and you are interested in decreasing the number and/or depth of your wrinkles, then today is for you! We are going to discuss 6 ways to reduce wrinkles on your skin. From easy remedies to more invasive procedures, learn about ingredients and techniques that can revitalize your skin!

6 Ways To Reduce Wrinkles


The easiest way to decrease wrinkles is with a solid moisturizer. Moisturizers trap the water under our skin which can diminish the appearance of fine lines and produce a brighter complexion. In addition, moisturizers can decease inflammation and redness of the skin.

Moisturizer Recommendations:

Chemical peels

A chemical peel works by applying a solution to the skin that eventually causes a couple layers of the skin to exfoliate off. The newer, exposed skin is refreshed and smoother. Chemical peels are available as superficial (aka “lunchtime peel”), moderate and deep treatment. Benefits can range from less wrinkled skin, to age spot removal, decreased freckles and in some cases removal of pre-cancerous skin growths known as actinic keratosis. Speak with your dermatologist to determine what is best for you.

You can purchase “chemical peel pads” that can emulate a very mild effect of a true chemical peel. These daily pads are great for their salicylic acid, glycolic acid, lactic acid and manic acid.

Topical retinoids

Retinoids are derived from Vitamin A and work to increase the production of collagen. They are beneficial in treatment or management of multiple skin conditions:  acne, wrinkle reduction, photo-aging and more. There is a more in-depth post on retinoids here.

My recommended over-the-counter retinoid is Differin, and it is also FDA approved for acne treatment. Be sure to balance out retinoids with a moisturizer as they can dry out skin. While topical retinoids can be relatively affordable, results may take a few months to appear, so be patient!

A few recommended retinoids:

Injectable Botox and fillers

Botulinum toxin (aka Botox) is injected into the underlying muscles, causing it to relax and smooth out overlying skin. It can decrease wrinkles on the top half of the face and crow’s feet temporarily for about three months.

There are many types and uses for injectable fillers. In general, they work to promote localized hydration and increase in volume of the injected area which smooths out overlying skin. Results can last for three months to a year.


Microdermabrasion is performed by using a small instrument that has a rough surface and exfoliating off layers of skin on the face and neck. After the procedure, skin is often smoother. A few sessions may be needed for optimal results. This procedure is not for everyone, however if you are a good candidate it can be a relatively easy and painless improvement in skin appearance.

Laser resurfacing

Laser resurfacing is the most effective way to tighten loose skin. It uses a laser to improve the appearance of skin by removing layers of the skin. This stimulates the body to create more collagen. Laser resurfacing may also helpful against acne scars, small blood vessels, crow’s feet and darkened age spots. Expect some downtime with this procedure, approximately 5-10 days. There are a couple types of laser resurfacing that can be performed and at different levels, so speak with your dermatologist first to see if this is a good option for you.

 While these 6 ways to reduce wrinkles on your skin are all beneficial, always speak with your dermatologist to see which option is best for you. If you want more information on helpful products, I do most of my skincare shopping at Dermstore because they carry high-quality products and do a great job at explaining the ingredients and instructions. Please don’t hesitate to ask any questions in the comments below.

Live your life joyfully so,


Ashley Aylsworth is a licensed and nationally certified Physician Assistant. This advice is for educational purposes. Please speak with your healthcare clinician before starting any medications or treatments. 

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