We are Pregnant! 20 weeks Q&A

It still feels so surreal – we are pregnant! Ahh! To say I feel blessed is truly an understatement – this little baby has been a miracle and we are so incredibly excited to welcome him/her into the family!

We announced our pregnancy a couple weeks ago on Instagram, and today I am rounding up some question and answers for where our pregnancy stands at 20 weeks.

How did you find out you were pregnant?
I was experiencing cramping that felt different than usual cramping. I took a test and and there was a faint second line, indicating a positive test. Curious, I texted a couple of my girlfriends and asked for their interpretation. One friend exclaimed, “You’re pregnant!”, and another encouraged me to take the test that reads “pregnant” vs “not pregnant”. I had to work a 10 hour shift after that (which was hard because I was SO excited!) and stopped at Walgreens on my way home to get a confirmatory test. Sure enough, it read PREGNANT! At that point I was considered 3 weeks and 4 days pregnant, and was very grateful to get a bold positive!

How far along are you currently?
We are halfway at 20 weeks! Baby Hoglan is currently the size of a banana and due January 2022. We just had the anatomy scan and it was incredible to see his/her growth!

What prenatal vitamin are you taking currently?
I have hemochromatosis, which is a genetic condition where my body absorbs too much iron. Because of this, I have to be careful in avoiding supplements with added iron. Gummy vitamins are my best friend – and it helps when they taste great too! These prenatal vitamins have been my supplement of choice over the last few months.

Have you had any symptoms so far in pregnancy?
Nausea and fatigue have been my toughest symptoms to date, but have since calmed down. Early on, making it through 10-12 hour work shifts was like a marathon. I would come home, shower and be on the couch or in bed for the rest of the evening. I think the fatigue was a combination of significantly reducing my caffeine intake and … making a baby! The nausea felt constant but would wax and wane in intensity. Luckily, around week 12 both of these symptoms improved immensely! Now that I am in the second trimester I feel my symptoms are to be expected: low back pain, mild fatigue and having to run to the restroom more frequently. Overall I feel good right now!

Have you bought any maternity clothes yet?
So many of my girlfriends have made the recommendation to limit purchasing maternity. Rather, buy regular clothes that can continued to be worn after pregnancy. To date, that has included this midi dress, this maxi dress and one size up in my favorite leggings. I did buy one pair of these maternity leggings. As baby continues to grow, I will have to find more bump-friendly clothing for the fall and winter months. Please feel free to recommend any of your favorites!

What has been your biggest struggle in pregnancy?
Early on, it was information overload. Being a Physician Assistant, I knew a lot of the basic information like what medications to take/not to take, however there was a lot of information I did not know when it came to dietary recommendations. The first few days after we found out, we were on a road trip and everything we ate I would look up. Can I eat beef jerky? Lasagna at Olive Garden? Is shrimp ok? Diet Coke? Like every mom, I wanted to do the right thing so I would research everything before I ate it in the beginning.

Now that I am in my second trimester, my struggle is adjusting to sleep changes and my changing body. Everything from my thighs, chest, skin and hair are different. I don’t cry often, but I came home in tears after a hair stylist complained about how much my hair sheds. Pregnancy is beautiful but has the occasional challenge. Michael has been very supportive throughout this process. These changes are temporary and proves our body is an incredible machine! Pregnancy truly is a miracle!

Are you working out still?
In the first trimester, I would have days where walking to the bathroom seemed daunting, much less walking around the block. I went from being a regular jogger to a borderline couch potato. If I had the energy to exercise, I would! Otherwise, I would not be too hard on myself.

Now in the second trimester, my energy has improved so I am back to working out occasionally but with lower intensity workouts. I now LOVE walking and listening to audiobooks or talking to family on my walks. Occasionally I mix in light strength training, stretching (which has really helped my back!) and barre classes. I think the recent change in my workout routine has been fun and provided a new outlook on fitness!

Are you vaccinated?
Yes. I am a Physician Assistant in one of the country’s busiest Emergency Departments, and I have been very grateful for the vaccine. I received the Pfizer vaccines in January and February. Michael was vaccinated in the early spring, and we became pregnant soon after we were both considered “fully vaccinated”. I treat covid patients during most shifts, and by the grace of God, both of us have remained healthy.

The Delta variant has been really tough on pregnant mamas and their babies – it’s a scary time! Luckily the current research has been demonstrating that vaccinated mothers pass antibodies through the baby’s umbilical cord blood and breastmilk! To further mitigate the covid risk to myself and future baby, I will be transitioning solely to non-clinical work soon.

Are you craving anything?
Yes! Snow cones and cold fruit! I have a bowl of frozen mixed berries most nights for dessert and various fruits throughout the day. Depending on the day, I crave Jimmy John’s turkey sandwiches with mayo! Strange, right?! I was nervous to eat deli sandwiches with mayo but I discussed it with two ObGyns and was so excited to get the green light!

Will you find out the gender?
Yes, we are so excited to find out the gender! We will be doing a gender reveal in September at our first anniversary wedding celebration with friends and family present!

Thank you for all your kindness, support, joy and words of wisdom! I plan on resuming normal content on the blog, but will mix in a few pregnancy related posts throughout the next few months.

Lastly, I just want to say… if you are trying to conceive, my heart goes out to you. My prayers are with you. Don’t lose hope! Genesis 25:21.

Live your life joyfully so,

Ashley and baby

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