Soft Muted Bouquet


No matter the occasion, a fresh bouquet of flowers always makes my heart skip a beat. They put a smile on my face and create a serene environment in the house. Not surprisingly, evidence has shown that the power of the flower can bring immediate happiness to recipients of all ages. Flowers have the ability to transform a room, bringing positive, welcoming feelings to those who enter the room. Because of this, flowers are often my go-to gift for friends or occasional splurge on myself to leave around the house.

Since we are mid-winter, I love the appearance of a soft, muted bouquet. The new year is a fresh start. I love this clean, fresh look perfect for this time of year. Because of the neutral tones, it pairs nicely with farmhouse decor.


The floral departments are often very helpful in making bouquets. Here are a few tips I have learned from them when creating a bouquet.

Some simple tips in creating a bouquet:

  1. Have a color palette in mind.  Starting with an idea of a theme or color palette will help direct you on which flowers to choose. Some examples include a bouquet with all pastels, a harvest bouquet with oranges and yellows, white with an earthy accent color, or soft muted in this case.
  2. Select flowers of different sizes.  I recommend choosing the biggest flower first. Whether it’s lilies, roses or daisies, for example, the larger flower will be the focal piece of the bouquet. From there choose smaller accent flowers.
  3. Add fillers.  Fillers can include lush greens or tiny flowers, like spray roses or baby’s breath. They add depth to the bouquet.
  4. Trim flowers.  Trim small leaves on the flower stalks and cut the ends of each plant at an angle under running water.
  5. Select a way to present flowers.  Choose a size-appropriate vase or simply wrap in craft paper. Most florists will have the craft paper on hand. Tie the bouquet together with twine or yarn.


Live your life joyfully so,


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