7 Ways to Become More Confident in Yourself + Floral Blouse

While I did not realize it at the time, I was not very confident in high school and college. Thoughts of self doubt often plagued my thoughts and even some of my actions. Words would affect me even if people’s intentions were genuine. It wasn’t until after college, when I began working in medicine that my self-esteem and self-worth both increased. These were two factors that ultimately decreased my anxiety and stress, and boosted my confidence. Whether you can relate or just need a little extra self-love (we all do, after all!), today I am sharing seven ways to become more confident in yourself that work for me.


7 Ways to Become More Confident in Yourself

Know your strengths.

We were all crafted uniquely and have different strong points. Whether it’s a physical or mental strength, a talent or personality trait, remember those on challenging days that you may feel down or in times you may feel in adequate. You have something to offer to everyone!

Embrace your flaws.

Just like we all have strengths, we all have flaws. Embrace them. Improve on them. Going into my last semester of graduate school I have to give a speech at Grand Rounds on viral meningitis. Public speaking makes me sick to my stomach. I practiced my speech probably 100 times, so much so that by the time the actual speech came it felt just like going through the motions. And I killed that speech! We all struggle in certain areas and perfection is a myth.

Dress for Success.

One of my business mentors taught me that your outfit is one of the easiest things to control at work on a busy day, so make it count. When I worked an office job in research oncology there were always opportunities to make mistakes. Bringing my “A” game right when I stepped into the door helped to clear my mind of unnecessary distractions so I could focus on my duties and patients. Dress for success to put your best foot forward physically and mentally, both for your outward appearance and your own mentality.

Fake it until you make it.

Practice makes perfect, right?! Perfection isn’t our goal but adopting a new confident mindset is the ultimate endpoint. By positively changing our thought pattern we can ultimately change the way we perceive ourselves.


After a good sweat session, my mind is cleared, my muscles are stronger and my attitude is optimistic. Studies have shown that exercise also decreases anxiety and depression, both of which can lower our self-confidence. Push yourself to your best ability! After a great workout, give yourself a pat on the back and carry that positive energy forward through the week.

Compliment others. 

After reading the must-read, classic book by Dale Carnegie, How to Win Friends and Influence Others, it made me take a step back and analyze my daily interactions. Compliments go a long way! Genuine compliments build trust and foster a relationship with others. It delights me to both give and receive compliments, and usually puts a smile on other’s faces as well. Let’s lift up others in this process.

Set a goal. Conquer it.

I love the feeling of setting a goal before a workout and leaving the gym knowing it was achieved. There is an inspiring feeling of accomplishment and empowerment that occurs when we reach our goals. We become more confident in tackling additional obstacles. Don’t underestimate yourself and your abilities.

Confidence is not something that can change overnight. It takes time and a daily commitment. If something is holding you back from feeling confident, whether internal or external perceptions, let them go. You are beautifully and wonderfully made, my friend!

About this outfit:  This has to be one of my favorite floral prints of the season. The bright colors combined with the rich tones are the perfect transition into spring. I found this at Loft, and what’s so fun is this print is available in skirts, dresses, sweaters, etc… I cannot get enough! If you have been following me for awhile you know how much I love this style of chain wallet for quick trips around town and sports games. The most similar style available currently is from the Robinson collection here. I love the neutral colors because you can expect it to last a lifetime!

Hope y’all have a wonderful day! Hope to see you back soon.

Live your life joyfully so,



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